Of games moste foulle...and mastre Chaucere
Maistre Chaucere, canstow not quyte thine bayting of me? By rightes, oon of the worste blogge-postes Y have endured this twelve-monthe be from youre Ludi de Visionibus in youre wrytings of 'noobs':
GRANDE THEFTE, COLLUSIOUN, AND MAYNTENANCE...Every tyme ich do commit trailbaston and hitte a lawyer ovir the heede to take of hys coynes, ich do pretende yt ys that wankere Johannes Gower! Ywis, ich do thinke that this game pleseth nat the menne of parlement for yt striketh verye close to the merke.
O dere sire! Y feer youre soule be to far gone now sith yow take swich plaisure in thys moste evile occupation. And thatte yow haf imaginings of doing such wronges to myselve. Indede if yow fere the menne of parlemente thou sholde een more beware that mine LORDE THE KYNGGE RICARDE mighte nat likke thys 'game'.
GRANDE THEFTE, COLLUSIOUN, AND MAYNTENANCE...Every tyme ich do commit trailbaston and hitte a lawyer ovir the heede to take of hys coynes, ich do pretende yt ys that wankere Johannes Gower! Ywis, ich do thinke that this game pleseth nat the menne of parlement for yt striketh verye close to the merke.
O dere sire! Y feer youre soule be to far gone now sith yow take swich plaisure in thys moste evile occupation. And thatte yow haf imaginings of doing such wronges to myselve. Indede if yow fere the menne of parlemente thou sholde een more beware that mine LORDE THE KYNGGE RICARDE mighte nat likke thys 'game'.