Helpe! RSS?
Dere rederes,
I be stille awhaped by RSS and it doth trouble mine herte thatte ich cannot yet mete youre requests to add it to mine blogge-page. Indede I have wimped outen of lerning RSS and use thatte moste facil site Bloglines to reden alle the blogges thatte I like as it doth not require of me eny RSS wizardrie.
Ich humbly begge of yow to aide me in thys matere if eny of yow have the abilitie. Or sholde I aske yonge Lowys? Yonge Maister Lowys, I herilty agre with yow that astrolabes suck. I am doun with that.
--- JG "the OG" (meny japes this daye!!)
I be stille awhaped by RSS and it doth trouble mine herte thatte ich cannot yet mete youre requests to add it to mine blogge-page. Indede I have wimped outen of lerning RSS and use thatte moste facil site Bloglines to reden alle the blogges thatte I like as it doth not require of me eny RSS wizardrie.
Ich humbly begge of yow to aide me in thys matere if eny of yow have the abilitie. Or sholde I aske yonge Lowys? Yonge Maister Lowys, I herilty agre with yow that astrolabes suck. I am doun with that.
--- JG "the OG" (meny japes this daye!!)
Blogspot only supports Atom, not RSS. If you want RSS 2.0 then try If you want 'em both and more then I think you will need to get a paid service.
1. Go here:
2. Click on "Create Channel."
3. Fill out the channel name, link, and description with your blog's information.
4. After you've submitted this form, you'll be taken to a page that lists your blog. Click on "publish."
5. Mouse over the XML or RSS buttons and copy the code beneath them.
6. Paste this code into your blog's sidebar.
Voila! Feeds. At least it worked for one of my blogs that didn't have any feeds. . . I hope it works for you.
Maistre Gowere, thou canst use also Ye Burner of Feeds to convert thyne Atom fede to RSS II stop naught.
Heer is the URI for thyne Atom feede:
Ich HTH.
Deere wise reders,
How canne I ever repaye youre kyndnesses? Mine herte lepes for joye thatte ich canne now auguement thys blogge-payge with the RSS.
Nowe, what be thys 'podcastinge?'
yowre humble JG
trillwing and dunechaser - verily the richesse of thine knowledge doth make me more humble than Chaucer before Kynge Richarde. Dunechaser - is notte the feede at rather than feed:// ?
Pacanukeha, feed:// appereth in myne address barre in Safari 2.0.3 for Mackintoshe. Ich ken not wether thys worketh on other systemes, but http:// semeth to werk also. Perchance Safari be lyk unto no other internette brauser...
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