Monday, May 01, 2006

Apologie for myn absence

Dere gentil rederes, meny apologies for mine long absence. Now that springe be here, I am laboring daye and nicht to assure mine feldes are plaunted welle and thatte alle mine landes be redied against the growing seson. For unlike some wasteres of tyme and drinke, ich do notte get free booze from my lord THE KYNGE nor eny other free comestibles. So the gouvernance of mine estate be a matere of som importaunce, as withouten good stewardeschipe myn householde wolde be imperilled.

For sooth, whyle som of yow do praunce aboute tellinge youre litel tales and such like, ich am engaged in swich werke that I must sette aside mine poetrie and composyng for a short tyme. And as there be no honte in swich honeste werk it materes to me litel thatte ich am not wryting atte presente. Certes, somtimes I even enconter newe litel idees and tropes for mine poetrie and wryting as I werke.

Which reminds me I sawe a giaunte ratte this matin and it did set me to thotte about Mastre Chaucere. I am stille werking on my conter-apele! That wille gif me gret satisfation when it be done.

--- J "Growere" (my litel jape agein!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou deservest nat free licour of thyn sovran lorde and kynge. What be thyse wordes of dedicacioun to thyn lord Henri? Telle mi thatte, o wankere, er, Gowere.

10:32 AM EDT  
Blogger EYYÜP HAN said...

Mayster Gower,

Thou kanst gette no satisfacioun. Thogh thou tryest, and thou tryest, and thou tryest, and thou tryest. Thou kanst gete no -- no, no, no.

Le Vostre

8:23 PM EDT  

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