Thursday, April 06, 2006

A mater of clarifyenge

I see here from youre commentynge that my last blogge-poste hað caused some confusion and so I will atempte to maken materes ryghte.

Firsst, Maistre Geofroi hað acused me foully, claimyng that my "Le Miroir de L'homme" doth sucke, aftere viewyng my poste that I rede the Frenche poorly.
Lette me note here thatte I offere humble apologies to my gentil redershipe for using swich a lewede worde.
It eek be mine desire to point out in no uncertayn termes that I mene I find it a travaille to rede the Frensh of Paris, whiche be a style I do not ofte se or here in Kent and London. And mon ami Francois Villon is most certaynely from Paris! Ande my French poetrie doth not sucke.

Seconde, a Maistre "Slangwhanger", whose nomen doth give me pause, hath acused me vilayneusely that I be an egotiste and hath desdeyned mine tales of the KYNGES court, afore I have evene written them! Selde have I encontred swich charges and ich knowe not howe to answere hem, save to compose mine observationes sadly and carefully so thatte I may note offend eny sensitivites.

Yette, I do see that Maistre Slangwhanger be acustomed to bolde and stronge wordes and does oft make much stevene aboute gouvernance and law on his owne payge of blogge. If thys be his nature, it giveth no teene, thogh the appele agaynst me of egotism doth smarte a bit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thus be it showne, by thyn owne wordes, that thou a wankere beest and a plonkinge greet one.

12:23 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. Gower, don't let those Chaucerians get you down. Does Chaucer have a street in Hollywood named after him? Or a studio? Or a gulch? I think not. And, really, at least you *finished* your magnum opus. Or rather, you finished both of your magna opera, leaving a third magnum opus as a fragment.

Anyhow, take heart, we got your back.

6:38 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maitre Goire, votre francois est comprehensible bien que queint, et comme vos venez de Quent (comme nos y venons tous, d'ailleurs!) c'est bien sur le cas que vos parlez queintement!

5:09 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maitre Goire, J wisse that yow have many thynges to endite and that yowr syghte ys nat good and so J offre thys traduction of the wordes of my maitre Villon to the end that yow nedeth not traduce them for yowre reders who wisse not franseis. The tyme byfore this that my maitre Villon hath posted here, he axed what that hath befallen on the even when that yow and he and maitre Chaussier dyd drinken togyders. It semeth hym that gendarmes of kyng Richard dyd bataillen wyth yow alle. Also J have caused hym to regret his wordes unto maitre Chaussier when that he speked of the poete of marguerites. But here nowe he seyeth that yowre franceis is comprehensible though that yt is queint and that though yow cume from Quent and so yt ys that yow speke queintly. He seyth also that we cumen alle from Queint, the which ys not true for that J for example cume from Paris and so J leve that he maketh the blague. Oh la la. The boye from the estable telleth me that queynt in angleish wisheth to seyn sadinet, oh la la, maitre Villon, je vos ferai des choses pour me fere dire des tels mots en face de maitre Goire! D'ailleurs, cher maitre, J have axed at maitre Chaussier if that he willeth that J poste my traduction of the wordes of my maitre Villon on his blogue but the poste ys longue and so J axe also at yow yf yow are so large as to poste my traduction of the wordes of my maitre Villon here chez vos.

5:26 PM EDT  
Blogger Amy said...

Deere Grosse Margot,

Certes yow may poste on my lytel blogge and ich have alredy copyed youre wordes there for alle to see. For I thynke it be a gode servys to mine gentil rederscipe even though partes of thatte postinge be somwhat roughe and coulde stir up unavysed thottes.


8:18 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myne goodly sire Gower

Verily ich beleeveth that maystre Slangwhanger be a churlish dolt and a scoundral. His ego doth indeed match his girthe. That his wit be in inverse proportion to bothe, be his misfortuone, not owrn.

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