Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My lorde KYNGE RICHARDE doth poste

My fayre reeders, I be overjoyed to see my deare KYNGE RICHARD hað posted a comment on my lytel site of blogge. Ich be humbled but eek fearfulle thatte he be agilt by the smale mater of my dedicacioun of a werke to my lorde Henrye.

Yet I wiste he hað been kynde unto me afore nowe and ich did see hym in London thys week-ende. And I ween ich even made him jolyf with a lytel jape thatte I thogt of that did make the whole of his companye laughen, to wit:
Wiste not, wante not
Yt did make my week-ende to see my lorde the KYNGE laugh atte my smale jape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mais dis-moi, mon vieux, qu'est-ce qui s'est passe le soir de l'autre jour? Vraiment, il faut que je saiche. Margot me forca a faire des apologies a Geoffroi, mais enfin, je ne sais pas exactment de quoi! Aide-moi, je t'en prie.

2:14 PM EDT  
Blogger Amy said...

Mon ami Francois Villon,

It sorowes me gretly that some lewede readeres hath demaunded an apologie from yow. Ywis they sholde bringe youre wordes to some wyse scholaire for translacion rathere than jump onto the band-wagonne.

Welawaye! The kiddes these dayes!


9:40 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maistre gowere, be nat so reddie as to believe that whan a manne laugheth he laugheth with thee and notte atte thee.

The dedicacioun of thine werke to myn lord of Lancastre meseemeth hathe an odoure of fysshe. Myn legistres shall into thys looke.

12:18 PM EDT  

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