Monday, April 10, 2006

Gowere strete and Paula Abdul

Maitre Geofroi doth blogge:

Straighte-uppe, nowe telle me: what hastow ayeinst Paula Abdul, o Mayster Gowere, that she scholde be so accostede on thyn strete?
Firste. I wishe to poynt out thatte atte least ich have a strete with mine nomen on it in meny large cities in thys worlde. Mine strete in London be neare the Brityssh Museum and the universite colege and doth have a bookshope and othere fyne residentes on it. Eek I hav a walk in Whitechappele in Londone and meny othere places named for me. Et tu, Chaucer? Where be youre lytel stretes?

Seconde. I be abbashen to saye that ich have so meny stretes thatte it be dificile for me to knowe them alle, moche less to kepe them safe.

Thirde. I knowe note Lady Paula Abdul and wishe for al and sondrie who rede mine blogge to knowe thatte I have no quarrel with her and I offere, if her assaultere be in Londone or Angliae, to apele him of this trespas and assaute againste here.


Blogger FSJL said...

Ane simple serche with that moste ingenious ygine, google, doth showe that there be manie stretes named after the floure of poetes, Chaucer:

And eke, there be rodes:


And e'en squares:

Thou best beaten by the noble Chaucer, o wankere gowere.

10:05 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where be youre feede of RSS Þat ich may rede alle youre writyngs?

8:48 AM EDT  
Blogger Amy said...

My faire and gentil Mollydot,

Yt pleeseth me gretely to here yow wish to rede my lytel blogge using thys thing ycalled RSS. Certes it be newe to me but ich wille faire what ich canne to avail mine rederschipe of its use.

youre humble JG

7:55 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myne herte wolde eek be gladdened sholde Þou offren an RSS feede. Ich be enamoured of thys technologie. :)

7:35 PM EDT  
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4:02 AM EDT  
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8:59 PM EDT  
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2:59 AM EDT  

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