Dere reders, ich am preparinge to see MY LORDE THE KYNGGE to ask his merci and make amends for the sliht done to hym in mine name. Yf yow wiste nat how thys came to be, yow may rede abouten it here in my blogge-payge.
Thys menes I shal sone lef mine estate in Kent and wende to the courte of MY LORDE THE KYNGE, the whiche shalle kepe me fra my blogge-page for severalle dayes. Certes ich be somwhat fereful of MY LORDE THE KYNGE's wroth.
Yet, it comfortes me thatte I shalle not be in Kente whilen Mastre Chaucere etablisshes his newe householde here. For trewli ich do notte want to here hym seken pitye for how tired he be, or howe Lowys doth compleine, or thatte he nedes mine carte oness agein to haulen hys furnishynges sith he is too chepe to hire more churles. Belef me, ich have herde itt alle beforn. Gyf them youre free booze that yow receyve of the KYNGE, Mastre Chaucere! Or paye them and haf it be ydone with.
In the mene-time Grosse Margot may welle poste the thottes of Maistre Villon and herselve yn thys virtualle espace, to giv mine gentil rederes a litel companie whil ich am awaye.
--- JG
Thys menes I shal sone lef mine estate in Kent and wende to the courte of MY LORDE THE KYNGE, the whiche shalle kepe me fra my blogge-page for severalle dayes. Certes ich be somwhat fereful of MY LORDE THE KYNGE's wroth.
Yet, it comfortes me thatte I shalle not be in Kente whilen Mastre Chaucere etablisshes his newe householde here. For trewli ich do notte want to here hym seken pitye for how tired he be, or howe Lowys doth compleine, or thatte he nedes mine carte oness agein to haulen hys furnishynges sith he is too chepe to hire more churles. Belef me, ich have herde itt alle beforn. Gyf them youre free booze that yow receyve of the KYNGE, Mastre Chaucere! Or paye them and haf it be ydone with.
In the mene-time Grosse Margot may welle poste the thottes of Maistre Villon and herselve yn thys virtualle espace, to giv mine gentil rederes a litel companie whil ich am awaye.
--- JG
We have hope to receive thee yn owre hous, providing that thou hast broghte with thee a gifte moste propre and fittinge to be gyven to thyn sovran lord and kynge.
In sooth, o friend heldmyw, Maistre Gowere doth tarry long at courte. It be certeyn sure that when he ritorneth thence we shall heere also the worde of our Kynge, and it may not go alle as Gowere maie wishe.
'Tis most apparent that we must aske what doth hap with maistre Gowere. Mayhap he hath angered my lorde the kynge and doth dwell in the Tower and makyth acquaintaunce with the maistre torturere.
I have journeyed on a pilgrimage to the lands of Antilia, and am returned, and yette Gowere hath not refreshed his blogge. Trewlie, this Gowere ben a wankere proven.
Thatte the sayde Parys be queynte is simple trvthe.
Mayhap, maistre Gowere his wankerie hath so annoied and angered ovre kynge thatte he hath in irons ben yclapped and into the Tower cast.
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