Backe from an audienz wyth mine maistre LE KYNGGE
Gretinges mine fayre rederes, I be plaised to informe yow ich haf retorned. Yt be dificile to sayye what went wrongge, save that mine lord THE KYNGGE did take excepcion to what yonge Lowys that yvil childe dide do with mine manuscripte and did blame me yfor it. And maistre Chaucere dide not admitte to thys wrong done by his sone and did endede wax merry when THE KYNGGE did demaund thatte ich accompte for the dede and paye for it.
And so I hav ben awaye from thys virtualle espace for one annus horibilis, as I repayed THE KYNGGE and abided by his demaunde thatte ich not wryte of any thyng. And sewe I haf endured the tauntynges and asailements of mastre Chaucere for the extent of this tyme wyth no recours.
Indede yt has ben a plaisure tow werke mine feldes and repayre mine hus and I haf lerned to pay no minde to hys many baitinges and simple werdes. He writes of trifles and litel thynges and yselles t-shirtes and the lykke. Hwat nede I to worrye of swich nonsense?
And so I hav ben awaye from thys virtualle espace for one annus horibilis, as I repayed THE KYNGGE and abided by his demaunde thatte ich not wryte of any thyng. And sewe I haf endured the tauntynges and asailements of mastre Chaucere for the extent of this tyme wyth no recours.
Indede yt has ben a plaisure tow werke mine feldes and repayre mine hus and I haf lerned to pay no minde to hys many baitinges and simple werdes. He writes of trifles and litel thynges and yselles t-shirtes and the lykke. Hwat nede I to worrye of swich nonsense?
"trifles and litel thynges"? Oh, snappe. Whanne he spieth yore cruel wordes he shall weep like april shoures!
Welcomme back Johannes!
Lang hath it been, and Chaucers playce o'erruns with churls and lickspittels like blowharde John de Mendacityville.
E'en now I thinke he is off to Kalamazoo for drinke and debaucheries untold!
Certes yow speke truth, dere anoonymouse redere, I do fere for the soule of Mastre Chaucere atte tymes like these, for I haf ben to thys Kalamazoo. It semes to me the nightes be tow fulle with to muche merimauntz and earthly plaisures tho the deyes be riche with sober thottes et idees.
But whan doth he ever pay minde to me? He be a headstronge wight and too fulle of himselve.
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